Jal Shakti Abhiyan and Plantation

Water, forest and land have always been the first priority for the people of Jharkhand. Kolhan Division is particularly known for its water, forest, and land. Now, when the government launched a Jal Shakti Abhiyan and started a big scale plantation program. So the people of Kolhan are not only welcoming the initiative of the central government but have joined in to save water and forests.

The MPs of the Opposition party are also openly praising the central government’s Jal Shakti Abhiyan and campaign to plant trees on large scale. The river festival organized by the Chaibasa Forest Division on the banks of the Kuju river of Chaibasa and the plantation program was inaugurated by Congress MP Geeta Koda and JMM MLA Deepak Birua by planting trees.

On this occasion, SP Inderjit Mehta, the leaders of various political parties, workers, forest department and officers of CRPF, school children planted trees. While addressing the river festival, Congress MP Geeta Koda appreciated this initiative of the government and said that there is a need for a mass movement to save water and forests.

Everyone should be connected to it, it is not possible to preserve water until the trees are formed. That is why the government’s program of plantation along river banks is commendable. JMM legislator Deepak Birua also lauded the government’s initiative and said that JMM’s slogan is saving the forest, forest, and land. That’s why we are all in this initiative of the government. The MLA said that if we do not save the Jungle, the next generation will also have to buy water.

Also see – New Community Hall in Chaibasa

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Source – ZeeNews

Joda Talab to be renovated

Joda Talab, Chaibasa
Joda Talab, Chaibasa

Another good news for people of Chaibasa. First Jubilee Lake, then Dada-Dadi Park and now Joda Talab is going to be renovated and a park is going to be constructed around the lake.

This Winter, the City Council is going to give us a gift for our morning walk in the cold weather. For this, almost all the preparations have been done by the city council. This long-running project of the Chaibasa town, which is pending for several years could be taken up this year. But if it rains heavily in July then the work can stop because the city council will take one month for this process.

On June 18, the City Development Department Ranchi has transferred 6 Crore 13 lakh rupees to Chaibasa Nagar Parishad for the renovation and beautification of Joda Talab. But this money will take around a week to come into the account of the City Council as this amount will be deposited in the accounts of the City Council Chaibasa only after the required order and signature of the Deputy Commissioner.

Subsequently, the Municipal Council will issue tender for the restoration and beautification of Joda Talab. Overall, the restoration and beautification of the added pond will take one month to start. In the meantime, if it rains, then the pond will be filled with water and the contractor will have to stop the work. It will take at least 15 days to clean it.

People will get many facilities in and around the pond.

Steel railing will be constructed around the pond. Stone boulder will be applied. A three meter leaf block will be laid. Grass and plantation will be done. The chair will be seated with the block. Two rounded stairs and one straight stair will be installed in the pond. A machine will be installed to filter the water the pond of the small pond so that the filtered water could be brought to the larger pond. ETP (Effect Treatment Plant) and CETP (Common Treatment Plant) will be installed. Three big fountains will be planted with lightning in the bigger pond. Street lights will be mounted around the pond. Besides this, dustbins will be installed to avoid dirt around the pond. The grass will be planted around the pond.

For a long time, the path of restoration and beautification of Joda Talab in the middle of Chaibasa city has become clear. For this, the City Development Department has transferred six crores and 13 lakh rupees to the bank account of City Council Chaibasa. Now a little government process is left, it will be completed soon and the tender will be done so that the work of restoration and beautification can be started.

Source – Jagran

Also see – Dada Dadi Park in Chaibasa

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Ayushman Yojna in Private Hospitals

Ayushman Yojna Logo
Ayushman Yojna

Golden cardholders from West Singhbhum district will now be able to get treatment of 150 additional diseases in the private hospital from Prime Minister Ayushman Yojna. Government of India has given exemption in the private hospital for the treatment of 150 diseases including HIV, Chikungunya, Dengue, Hernia.

In the past, the above diseases were treated in government hospitals only. About 12 thousand families of the district will get the benefit. At present, about 1350 diseases in the district are being treated with Ayushman Yojna. Of these, 1047 diseases were being treated in a private hospital. Under the scheme, only 203 types of diseases were being treated at the government hospital.

In the absence of facilities in government hospitals, the patient was not getting the treatment properly. The government has allowed 157 other diseases to be treated in private hospitals. Despite this, its 146 diseases will still be treated only in government hospitals.

Also see – Rare Birds in Chaibasa

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Source – Prabhat Kabar

Rare Birds found in Chaibasa Chandmari Lake

Rare Bird in Chaibasa Chandmari Lake

दुर्लभ भारतीय पक्षियों को चाईबासा में चंदेरी झील में एक प्रजनन मैदान मिला है और झारखंड के वन विभाग इसे पर्यावरण के अनुकूल वातावरण में सुधार करने और पर्यटकों को आकर्षित करने के लिए आर्द्रभूमि के रूप में विकसित करने की योजना बना रहे हैं।

चंदमारी झील, कई वर्षों से विभिन्न स्थानीय और प्रवासी पक्षियों को प्रजनन आधार प्रदान करने के लिए एक गर्म स्थान है। हाल ही में, चाईबासा स्थित वन्यजीव फोटोग्राफर किशन नयनम ने इस झील के आसपास पुरुष भारतीय पिट्टा rang नवरंग ’(भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप में मूल निवासी पक्षी) देखा। अन्य दुर्लभ पक्षी जैसे एशियन पैराडाइज फ्लाईकैचर, तीतर की पूंछ वाले जैना, कॉपर स्मिथ बारबेट आदि को भी वहाँ देखा गया है।

पक्षी, नवरंग, घने जंगलों और हरे जंगलों में बसा हुआ है। झुंड निचले हिमालय, मध्य और पश्चिमी भारत के जंगलों में विशेष रूप से मई-जुलाई के महीनों में प्रजनन के लिए फैलता है। सर्दियों में, वे सितंबर-अक्टूबर के महीनों में दक्षिणी प्रायद्वीप और श्रीलंका में चले जाते हैं।

यह दक्षिणी झारखंड के आदिवासी आबादी वाले पश्चिमी सिंहभूम जिले में भारतीय पित्त का पहला दर्शन है। चंदेरी झील एशियाई ओपन बिल स्टॉर्क के लिए भी एक महत्वपूर्ण प्रजनन मैदान रहा है। नयनम ने कहा कि जंगल के बाहर, झील के चारों ओर इन पक्षियों के बैठने से भारतीय पक्षियों के लिए संभोग के मौसम की शुरुआत हुई।

“पिछले साल, झील के आसपास इस क्षेत्र में लगभग 13 नर और मादा सारस देखे गए थे, लेकिन कुछ अपरिहार्य परिस्थितियों जैसे कि तेजी से जलवायु परिवर्तन और पक्षी के प्राकृतिक आवास में निरंतर मानव हस्तक्षेप के कारण, सारस की संख्या कम हो सकती है”, नयनम ने कहा ।

फोटोग्राफर ने कहा कि अगले दो से तीन महीने सारस के लिए महत्वपूर्ण होंगे क्योंकि वे अपने संभोग और प्रजनन के लिए घोंसले बनाना शुरू कर देंगे जो जुलाई-अगस्त तक शुरू हो जाएगा।

भोजन की उपलब्धता घोंसले के शिकार की प्रक्रिया में एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाती है, जो चंदेरी झील क्षेत्र के आसपास घोंसले के शिकार के लिए प्लस पॉइंट है, क्योंकि मोलस्क, पानी के सांप, बड़े कीड़े, मेंढक आदि के लिए भरपूर पहुंच है।

झील के वन्य जीवन के निवासियों के महत्व को ध्यान में रखते हुए, वन विभाग भूखंड को आर्द्रभूमि के रूप में विकसित करने और पर्यटकों को आकर्षित करने के लिए एक परियोजना लेकर आया है।

सारंडा के प्रभागीय वन अधिकारी (DFO), रजनीश कुमार ने कहा कि भारत सरकार ने विभाग को आर्द्रभूमि की पहचान करने का निर्देश दिया था जहां पक्षियों और जानवरों को प्रजनन और संरक्षण के लिए बेहतर वातावरण और वातावरण मिलेगा।

“नयनम की मदद से, विभाग ने उक्त झील को दुर्लभ पक्षियों की संभोग स्थान के रूप में पहचान की है। विभाग झील की सफाई शुरू करेगा और वहां मानव हस्तक्षेप को रोक देगा। पक्षियों को प्रजनन के लिए उचित शांति और पर्यावरणीय वातावरण दिया जाएगा। इसे वेटलैंड के रूप में विकसित करने के लिए क्षेत्र को प्रदूषण मुक्त क्षेत्र बनाया जाएगा। इसके साथ, चांदमारी झील को अंतर्राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर मान्यता दी जाएगी और पर्यटक पक्षियों के साथ प्राकृतिक वन वातावरण का आनंद लेने के लिए वहां जाएंगे। ”

विभाग झील के पास अतिक्रमण को हटा रहा है और प्रजनन के लिए हर साल दुर्लभ पक्षियों के लिए सर्वोत्तम भोजन और अन्य सुविधाएं प्रदान करने की योजना भी बना रहा है।

Source :- Hindustan Times

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Also see :- Solar Plant in Chaibasa

Chaibasa Women’s College to be Upgraded

Photo of Mahila College Chaibasa
Mahila College, Chaibasa

As a new attempt to increase the quality of higher education in the Kolhan, it has been decided to upgrade the Baharagoda College and Chaibasa Women’s College. Both colleges are in the list of 13 colleges in the state which have been decided to upgrade. A list of these 13 colleges has been issued by the State Project Directorate of Higher, Technical Education and Skill Development Department of Jharkhand Government. Each college included in the list will be given an amount of four crore for the development of infrastructure, library, science and computer lab. Under the component six of NHEC(National Higher Education Campaign), the state government will spend the amount of 40:40:20 or 40:30:30 as per the requirement. It is considered to be a great news for higher education in the state. On behalf of the National Higher Education Mission, implemented under the Union Human Resource Development Ministry, 13 colleges of Jharkhand will be upgraded as Model colleges.

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Source :- Jagran

Also see :- Solar Plant in Chaibasa

Silver Medal for Karate

Boy performing karate
Karate Pic

The players of Tenshinkan Karate Do Federation of Jharkhand performed brilliantly at the 9th South Asia Hukucai Championships. This competition was held on 27th and 28th April at the Talkatora Indoor Stadium in New Delhi. In this, Aditi Gagrai from West Singhbhum district has illuminated the name of Chaibasa by winning Silver Medal in Kumite. With this victory, he ensured his place for the upcoming World Hukucai Karate Championship in Japan next August. Shihan Joe Poster Black Belt 10th Dawn World Chief Instructor Kenjut Karate International (Canada) Coach Sansai Mohan Kumar Kondak congratulated the winning player from Canada as the chief guest on the occasion and said that Aditi illuminated the name of the district and Jharkhand state. On the spot players Jai Prakash Birli, Rahul Kandir etc. were present.

Source :- Jagran

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Know your Lok Sabha Candidates

Total 9 candidates are participating for Lok sabha elections from Chaibasa constituency this year. Here is the name of candidates along with the election symbols and the name of the party

  • Gita Koda – Hand – Indian National Congress (INC)
  • Paradeshi Lal Munda – Elephant – Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP)
  • Laxman Giluva – Lotus – Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
  • Krishna Mardi – Bottle – Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM)
  • Chandramohan Hembrum – Torch – Socialist Unity Centre of India (SUCI)
  • Pratap Singh Banara – Coat – Ambedkarite Party
  • Hari Urao – Bat – Kalinga Sena
  • Anil Soren – Farmer driving Tractor – Independent
  • Pushpa Sinku – Helicopter – Independent

Do vote this election, if you don’t like any one from the above, Press NOTA (None of the Above)

Do you know?

You don’t choose the Prime Minister for the country , the Lok Sabha candidates choose the Prime Minister for the country.

So, keep in mind while choosing the candidate who will benefit you directly, not only the seeing the prime minister.

Source :- Jagran

Tata College Celebrates Earth Day

Students celebrating earth's day.
Tata college celebrates Earth Day.

On the auspicious occasion of World Earth Day on Monday, Tata College Students Union celebrated the World Earth Day at Tribal Child Welfare Hostel. The entire Tata College campus was planted in seasonal fruits and flowers. On the occasion, Tata College Students Union President Uday Murmu said that on earth day every person must plant a plant. In such a way, you can save nature and environment and also get seasonal fruits and flowers along with them. University representative Manjeet Hansda said that if one wants to keep the earth safe then it is necessary to set up a plant per person. Simultaneously, use water as much as you need. Seamal Tudu, Rajesh Hansda, Supai, Hemraj, Vishnu Jonko, Rajesh Topon, Vinod Marandi etc. were present on the spot.

Source :- Jagran

Also see :- Solar Plant in Chaibasa and Chandil

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Passport office in Chaibasa

Indian Passport

People of West Singhbhum will not have to worry more to make passports anymore. Now, facilities for making passports can be found in the district headquarter Chaibasa. Preparing to open a passport office in the old Deputy Commissioner’s office premises of Chaibasa.
This is possible due to the efforts of District Deputy Commissioner Arwa Rajkamal and with the efforts of Deputy Development Commissioner Aditya Ranjan. Separate building is being arranged for this office. In this order, Divisional Officer Paritosh Thakur and Assistant Superintendent Post Office Pankaj Kumar inspected the jointly constructed office building on Wednesday and instructed them to complete the construction soon.

Apply for passport online here

Source :- Jagran

City Council Cleaned 10 trolley of trash

Men collecting trash

A clean-up campaign was started on Thursday by city council Chaibasa. Under the leadership of newly appointed executive officer Abhay Kumar Jha, work of garbage evacuation continues in the city. Jha said that my first priority is to keep the city clean and beautiful. Along with this, the vehicle is doing the work of garbage collection in daily shifts. On Thursday, 10 trolley tractors was lifted. In this work, Karmi Munna Alam including the city council were engaged. Jha said that the cleanliness drive was carried out in many places including Mufafil police station, Big Bazaar Down, Town Club, Marie Tola, Sen Tola. Apart from this, a broom is applied on the road to clean the city in the evening so that the clean chaibasa and green chaibasa is maintained.

Source :- Jagran